
Staying safe online during COVID-19

Working from home during the pandemic? For most of us in the UK the answer would be yes. As government guidelines suggest you may only leave your home for work if you cannot reasonably work from home, to help reduce the spread of the virus. With this, more people are relying on online technology to stay connected to their workplace. This could be using new communication methods such as Zoom or Teams to stay in touch with colleagues for meetings or general communication in the workplace. It’s important to keep safe online just as much as it is in the…


Seven key HR trends for 2020

From data-driven decisions, to culture and kindness, HR experts offer their views on the themes that are set to dominate HR practice over the coming 12 months 2019 was a year of flux for UK HR professionals, with a complex political and economic landscape shaping everything from employment law to labour market trends. As we move into a new decade, 2020 is an opportunity for HR leaders to focus on getting their own house in order: to lead change, advocate data-driven action, and become a truly strategic force. Here are the seven key tends our panel of HR experts have…


The UK’s coronavirus furlough scheme, explained

  Days after he announced a £350 billion business bailout package to help British companies cope with the coronavirus lockdown, chancellor Rishi Sunak made history when he announced the government would pay the wages of millions of workers. He called it “unprecedented measures for unprecedented times”. Economists said the new plan would cost an additional £78bn. Unprecedented but necessary. One in 20 people in the UK has lost a job due to coronavirus, a YouGov poll suggested last week, while almost one in ten have had their hours reduced as a result of the pandemic. In the days after his…


Impact of COVID-19 on hiring in Europe

As countries around the world try to manage the impact of COVID-19 on their economies, LinkedIn’s hiring rate (a measure of hires divided by LinkedIn membership) gives us early insight into how the labour market is responding and what might lie ahead. Yesterday, we posted insights on how COVID-19 is impacting hiring in China and Italy, the two most impacted countries, and what that means in the U.S. According to sources we now have new insights on what the picture looks like for the UK and France. It’s clear that the hiring rate has declined across these European countries as…


How COVID-19 is impacting hiring around the world

Countries around the world are in different stages of managing COVID-19, and we are beginning to gain an understanding of how economies are responding to the sudden disruption of the pandemic. According to the sources, LinkedIn’s hiring rate gives us early insight into how the labor market is responding and what might lie ahead for those who are just beginning to feel the impact of COVID-19. We also know from conversations on LinkedIn that some companies have been adapting interview processes that may slow the time-to-hire, while we may see others delay start dates for the time being. As per…


Four ways to staying productive when working from home

COVID-19 has led many companies to recommend that employees work from home. For many, remote work is a new reality and one that takes some getting used to. Below are a few tips for working remotely to help you make the most out of the situation. Whether it’s done by choice or by necessity, working from home has its benefits, like avoiding your daily commute. But it also means it’s up to you to motivate yourself and get as much out of your time as you would in an office setting. To help, here are four tips to keep yourself…


Using Big Data Technology for Environmental Protection

Data has quickly become one of the most valuable resources for any organization. New tools and data-collection schemes have made it possible to gather and analyze massive sets of data—dubbed “big data.” These data sets allow us to discover patterns and relationships that we couldn’t have found with traditional approaches. One area being reshaped by big data is environmental protection. New approaches are providing researchers, businesses and governments with the best information possible, allowing them to make highly informed decisions and optimize their approach to resource use and conservation. A Better Picture with Big Data With big data and big…


Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for UK employers

Introduction The new coronavirus disease, officially named COVID-19, has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. As the virus continues to spread extensively, it’s posing a significant challenge to many organisations. This factsheet provides an overview of the current coronavirus situation. It explains what the virus is and gives advice on how employers should respond to the threat and support employees by being prepared, particularly looking after employees’ health and safety and developing flexible resourcing plans. What is Coronavirus ? Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more…


Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Vital Information For You

A coronavirus is a type of virus. As a group, coronaviruses are common across the world. Generally, coronavirus can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. What are the signs and symptoms of this new virus? The symptoms of this new coronavirus (COVID-19) include cough, fever, shortness of breath, or flu-like symptoms. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild. What is the current risk level to the UK? We have been working in close collaboration with international colleagues…


Top 3 biggest technology trends for 2020

Technology is rapidly advancing – everyone knows that. And with 2020 fast approaching, new and exciting technological innovation is coming.In order to be prepared for the upcoming year, this list will take you through the top 3 biggest technology trends that you need to look out for – no matter what industry you are in. Helping you to grasp these opportunities and have the right resources in place so that your business can adjust alongside it, you’ll go into the new year ready for these technological advancements – and not left in the dark. The Rapid Takeover of Artificial Intelligence…